

On this page we would like to keep you up to date with our news, dates & fairs as well as other current events at ZIMMERMANN PV-Steel Group.

Ranking for the most Crisis-Proof Companies in 2024!

Ranking for the most Crisis-Proof Companies in 2024!

We are delighted that the ZIMMERMANN PV-Steel Group was ranked 28th in Germany in a recent company ranking for the most crisis-proof companies in 2024. The assessment, which is based on quantitative financial data, was carried out by the Creditreform Group of Companies and published by the SĂĽddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

This success underlines our very solid corporate foundation, from which we can consistently and sustainably pursue our vision for a greener future with renewable energies. Our strong corporate philosophy as a traditional family business with deep roots in the region is the basis for our success in challenging times.

We would like to thank our employees and partners for their trust and commitment! Together, we look confidently to the future!

Click here for the ranking!

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